Future-Ready Leaders

Catalyst is a virtual leadership experience that is successful in preparing top global talent for greater levels of leadership in work and everyday life.

This 12-month leadership development journey supports career advancement, increased confidence and personal authenticity, refinement of leadership identity, and deep connections to peers across the globe.

Each participant will have the support of a Mentor within their organization. A Mentor can be identified as someone who is at least 2 levels above them; offering guidance, advocacy, and deep commitment to their learning to propel their career forward and offer opportunities that they would not otherwise receive.


Our ethos for development is to lead with connection and an emphasis on our shared humanity, creating a sustainable ecosystem of belonging, support and opportunity that continues well beyond the Catalyst journey.

With Catalyst, you will:


Develop a clear sense of your unique purpose and leadership identity.


Accelerate your competitive edge, growth and innovation.


Elevate your visibility within your team and organization.


Develop your career through peer mentoring.


Involve higher level executives as allies for your leadership development. 


Step into greater positions of leadership in a way that is powerful and authentic.

77% of the highest-achieving women have strong ties with an inner circle of other women.

—, Why Women Need To Network Differently Than Men To Get Ahead


Participants are actively engaged in the Mentor matching process. Mentors are identified as leaders within the organization that have the influence and power to go beyond traditional mentoring support such as coaching, directing, and skills development. Mentors are committed to the advancement of their Mentees through advocacy and action – offering opportunities and connections the Mentees may not otherwise have access to themselves.

Power Circles

Participants join a circle of 6 peers (of varied levels and regions) who are dedicated to each other’s thriving and growth. Circles are facilitated by an Emerging Human coach who works with each Participant, and with the Circle as a whole, supporting them to show up powerfully and authentically in work and life. Participants also practice coaching and mentoring skills as they support other Circle members to rise.

Development Plan

Participants identify their career aspirations, current skills, and where they want to grow and develop. With the support of their Mentor and Power Circle, each Participant will develop a plan to evolve their career in a way that best reflects their unique gifts and desires. 

Practices & Tools

Each month Participants receive content (videos, written materials, thought-provoking questions), tools, research and resources to support the monthly themes. They also receive follow up conversation guides and practices to engage with a rotating buddy from their Circle, and take their learning deeper throughout the month. Meetings with Mentors and Direct Managers are structured through in-depth monthly guides. This is a deep dive into self-discovery that creates real change through experience and practice over time.


Participants will be connected to the larger Catalyst cohort as well as to a strong alumni group of past Catalyst graduates. As our graduates advance in their careers, the connections they make  continue to have ripple effects for many years into the future – and many go on to become Catalyst Mentors! Participants will also learn how to leverage networking skills learned throughout the Catalyst journey.

Manager Support

Managers of the Participants have endorsed and approved of their top talent’s participation in this program. They are aware of the commitment needed for Catalyst and we honor their support of each Participant. Participants are guided to maximize their relationship with their manager and update them at key points during the program.

Virtual All-Cohort Events

All Participants are invited to several virtual events intended to make connections among the larger Catalyst cohort. Guest speakers from HP, presentations and practices led by Emerging Human facilitators, connection-oriented learning, celebrating wins, and facing current challenges head-on will all be part of these experiences.

Virtual Immersions​

Two-day deep dives target advanced learning into leadership topics such as Courageous Conversations, Radiant Leadership, and Presence with Influence. These immersions bring regions together for a more intimate experience to create even more relationships as we grow through the Catalyst experience.


Transformational themes are explored through the current landscape of each Participant’s work and life environment. Topics such as Leadership Identity, Playing Big, and Owning Your Voice (to name a few) come alive through the real experiences of the Participants. Witnessing how other Participants relate to and experience the themes provides a variety of perspective and wisdom that is invaluable.

Our Measured Results

report increased confidence
as a leader
said this experience fueled their personal and professional growth
directly applied what they learned to their roles


report the ability to express themselves more authentically

said their Power Circle was a strong leadership resource
would recommend this experience to a colleague looking to grow their career
report Catalyst has been worthwhile time investment

Guides and Materials

  • Monthly Theme Content
  • Power Circle Prep Guides
  • Mentor + Manager Meeting Guides
  • 1-1 Circle Buddy Check-in
  • Reflections


This 12-month experience allows for minimal short-term schedule impact, deeper transformation over time, and increased connection and bonds with Circle members and the Mentor.

  • Pre-Circle preparation (.5–1 hr)
  • Facilitated monthly virtual video Circle meetings with 6 peers (2.5 hrs)
  • 1-1 connection and reflection in between meetings (.5 hrs)
  • Monthly meetings with Mentor (1 hr)
  • Periodic meetings with Direct Manager (1 hr x 3)
  • All-cohort events (1.5 hrs x 2)
  • Virtual immersion workshops (a few hours throughout the journey)

Catalyst absolutely changed my career trajectory. I had internalized the message that I had to be small to be safe. It helped me embrace who I am, let go of my limiting beliefs, and step into sharing my opinions and taking risks. It completely changed my confidence level.

– Ericka Hayes, Program Manager and MoC Lead
HR Comp and Benefits Delivery & Analytics Team, HP

Emerging Human’s Conscious Leadership Approach

Powerful themes in three dimensions of leadership

Emerging Human Facilitators: Wisdom Keepers and Magic Makers

The program was a tremendous journey that helped me solidify my career desires and take an active role in shaping my career journey. I bonded with strong professionals that helped me grow and will remain part of my tribe for many years to come. I continue to find value in my sponsor relationship and am so grateful she invested in my development and introduced me to new people in various organizations. This program was (and still is) an amazing investment in my development – it was worth every minute!
— Amber
, Catalyst Participant

Customer Care Center Operations Manager
, North America – Houston
The topics really provide you with the opportunity to look at yourself and create your own leadership style. It also allowed me to connect with others throughout HP that I may otherwise never have connected with. To know they also experienced some of the same issues, and to allow us to have the space to talk through what we’re facing and how we’ve overcome, really helped my development as a leader.
— Jared
, Catalyst Participant

, Lifecycle Core Fix Services
The Catalyst program has been a brilliant forum to reflect and learn in a secure environment within my Power Circle. The monthly sessions are always incredibly inspiring as we listen to each other’s experiences both within the workplace and outside. I have formed some life-long connections and learnt some invaluable strategies to help me in my future career at HP.
— Jody
, Catalyst Participant

Print & Supplies Channel Sales Manager
, UK
, UK&I
The program was eye-opening for me because I realized some things that I needed to change. I have seen many changes in my personal and professional life, now I have a better relationship with all my family members, and my career plan is working. I was even promoted and relocated to my home country as a result. It is great that inside HP you can find all the support to have a better life balance.
— Mauricio
 Castillo Solis
, Catalyst Participant

Customer Success Manager
, Mexico City
The program has been tremendously rewarding, everything from the homework, to the power circle, to the sponsor just clicks and brings forth a new level of discovery. It is a journey of reflection and bringing awareness to the self – who I am, what brings me joy, where I want to go and how I might get there. Catalyst creates a purposeful approach and structure for this to happen.
— Wee
 Teck Woon
, Catalyst Participant

Master Program Manager / Architect, Product Solutions
, Singapore
I found the courage to be myself in the company of our thoughtful coach and power circle of wise and sincere colleagues who courageously shared their life’s stories, high and low moments, as everyone looked within, considered risk, took action, in the hope of discovering their personal best, at work and in life. It’s been a huge privilege and joy to be a part of.
— Shennon
, Catalyst Participant

Head of Marketing
, SEA & Korea, Singapore
, HP
This journey leads you to a better understanding of who you are, your strengths, feelings, and objectives. The group of people that you are assigned to is very nice and helps a lot during this process. You connect and empathize a lot with them…You never feel alone. Before the completion of the program I got a Director promotion.
— Paula
 Comes Ahedo
, Catalyst Participant

LF Strategy, Customer Experience and Design & PMO Director
, Barcelona
Catalyst is here to lead HP to its next level of greatness. The best proteges I’ve worked with say, ‘I don’t like this. This doesn’t work for me. Why does it work this way? How do I have this conversation? How do I navigate this situation?’ A Sponsor is someone that has been there before and will understand what you need in that moment to be more successful, more courageous, more authentic.
— Tara
 J. Agen
, Catalyst Sponsor

Global Head, HP Marketing Strategic Planning, Operations and MarTech
We have a true obligation to really nurture and support our top talent and to internalize the role that diversity can play in making HP a stronger company. Catalyst is very empowering in that way. My protege became an extension of my team, presenting at our staff meetings and making rich connections with an entire regional leadership team that he otherwise would not have been exposed to.
— Sandy
, Catalyst Sponsor

Global Head, HP Marketing Strategic Planning, Operations and MarTech
Catalyst was something that made me own who I was. It made me feel comfortable in the room. Working with my sponsor was good because I was struggling and he provided me with the support that made me step out even more and take on stretch assignments and stretch my abilities so that I landed myself in the role that I have today. I went from the People Engagement Lead for Field & Channel to Training Development and Process Improvement Program Manager within the DEI space. The support I received from the cohort during a challenging time reminded me that I can make anything happen when I believe in myself.
— India

DEI Resource and Tools Manager

Ready to Dive In?

Take your career and life to the next level with Emerging Human’s Catalyst at HP experience.